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Introduction to Stream Notifications

Stream Notifications are Streamcord's main feature. They allow you to receive an automated message whenever your favorite streamers go live. If you're interested in setting up your server as fast as possible, we recommend following the tutorial below:

Set up your Notification Channel

  1. Create a channel for stream announcements if you haven't already.

  2. Edit your channel's settings, and go to the "Permissions" tab.

  3. From the "Roles/Members" selection, add Streamcord.

  4. Allow Streamcord to have the following permissions in the channel:

    • View Channel
    • Send Messages
    • Embed Links
    • Attach Files
    • Use External Emoji
    • Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles
  5. Click "Save changes".

Configure Notifications

Stream NotificationsTwitch NotificationStream NotificationsKick Notification

For Advanced Users


Streamcord supports variables in notifications. Variables are placeholders that are replaced with the appropriate value when the notification is sent.

Stream NotificationsUsing Variables

Game and Title Filters

Streamcord supports game and title filters in notifications. This allows you to only receive notifications when a streamer plays a certain game or has a certain title.

Stream NotificationsGame and Title Filters

Auto Crosspost

Streamcord supports auto crossposting in notifications. This allows you to automatically crosspost a streamer's stream to a channel when they go live.

Stream NotificationsAuto Crosspost

Stream End Cleanup

Streamcord supports stream end cleanup in notifications. This allows you to automatically delete the notification message when a streamer ends their stream.

Stream NotificationsStream Cleanup


Common Issues

TroubleshootingCommon Issues

Dashboard Error Codes

TroubleshootingDashboard Error Codes

Mentioning Users and Roles

TroubleshootingMentioning Users and Roles