Twitch Notifications
Adding the Notification
Visit the Streamcord Dashboard and choose your server from the list.
Click "Add notification".
Complete the form on the page:
Fill in the streamer's name, the Discord channel where you want the notification to be sent, and a custom message.
Select the Channel you want it to post to.
Create a custom message to use for the notification.
Supports Discord Markdown to format your message.
- Click the "Add notification" button at the bottom of the page.
Congrats, you've just added your first notification!
More Information
Supports variables to display information about the streamer.
Stream NotificationsUsing VariablesMentioning Users and Roles
- Supports mentioning roles.
Auto Crosspost
- Allows you to publish messages in announcement channels automatically.
- Useful for cross-posting stream announcements to other channels/servers.
Custom webhook
- Allows you to use a custom webhook for notifications.
- Allows for customization of the webhook's name and avatar.
Stream End Cleanup
- Allows you to delete the notification when the stream ends automatically.
Game and Title Filters
- Allows you to filter notifications to only show if they are playing a certain game or have a certain title