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About Streamcord

Welcome to Streamcord's documentation, your go to place for all things Streamcord.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, join our Support Server.

Supporting the Bot

Streamcord will always be a free-to-use service. However, for $2.99 / month, you can get access to an exclusive bot, and some more features.

Check out Streamcord Pro

If you have any feedback for Streamcord, please post it here.

Getting Started

New to Streamcord? Follow the guide below for help setting it up!

The BasicsGetting Started


Stream Notifications

Get notified when you or your favorite channel goes live!

There is no requirement for them to be in your Discord.


We recommend using these notifications if you want an announcement for channels where the streamer is not in your Discord, if the streamer is playing a certain game, or where Live Role would not be sufficient.

Stream NotificationsTwitch Notifications


Kick notifications are currently unavailable due to an issue with our servers being blocked from accessing Kick's website.

Stream NotificationsKick Notifications


This feature is a work-in-progress and is currently in private alpha. Functionality and documentation content are subject to change at any time.

Stream NotificationsYoutube Notifications

Live Role

Assign a role to a streamer in your Discord when they go live. You can display them seperately in your members list with optional notifications.


Live Role is a great tool for any situation where you want a select group or all of your server members to have live notifications sent. You can also set notifications for streamers in your server without needing to go to the Streamcord Dashboard and set them up one at a time.

Live RoleAbout