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Kick Notifications Kick


Kick notifications are currently unavailable due to an issue with our servers being blocked from accessing Kick's website.

Kick notifications are currently available to Streamcord Pro subscribers and servers that have joined and been accepted from the waitlist.

How to join the waitlist

Subscribe to Streamcord Pro? Your server already has access! Just create a notification like normal and select Kick as the platform.

  1. Go to the Streamcord Dashboard
  2. Choose your server from the list
  3. Visit the "Notifications" tab
  4. Click "Join waitlist"

You can join the waitlist for as many servers as you want.


During the alpha test, Pro servers will be limited to 10 notifications and free servers will be limited to 5.

Due to the way Kick notifications work, it may take anywhere from 1-10 minutes for a notification message to be sent.

Feature compatibility

We are currently working on supporting all the features that are currently available with Twitch notifications. Here's a list of the implementation status for each feature.

FeatureCurrently supported?
Stream start events
Custom messages
Formatting variables
Auto crosspost (Pro)
Embed preview image settings
Custom embed color
Custom webhook (Pro)
Stream end events
Hide embed viewer count
Hide "Watch Stream" button
Game and Title Filters