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Available with Streamcord Pro

Linked Roles are available to select Streamcord Pro subscribers as an alpha test.

Note to Pro Subscribers: Check the #pro-info channel for a link to the alpha test application form.

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This feature is a Work in Progress. It is not yet ready for use.

Linked Roles is a Streamcord feature that allows you to sync Twitch roles (subscriber, VIP, moderator, etc.) to Discord roles.

With Linked Roles, you can easily let your community know who is a subscriber, VIP, or moderator for your Twitch channel.

A list of Discord Users and their assigned Twitch Roles

How to set up Linked Roles

  1. Create Discord Roles for each Twitch role you want to sync. Streamcord can sync the following types of users:
    • Moderator
    • VIP
    • Follower
    • Bits Donator
    • Sub Gifter
  2. Ensure that Streamcord has at least one of the following permissions:
    • Administrator
    • Manage Roles
  3. Visit the Streamcord Dashboard.
  4. Choose your server from the list.
  5. Go to the "Linked Roles" tab.
  6. Connect your Twitch account.
    • If you are setting it up for someone else, have them connect their Twitch account using the link provided.