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Live Role Notifications

For Beginners

Live Role Notifications allows you to set up automatic announcements whenever someone in your server goes live. These notifications also respect the filter role, if one is set.

Be aware that Live Role Notifications are not a full-fledged replacement for Twitch Notifications. At times, they can be buggy due to inconsistencies on Discord's end.

What Live Role Notifications SHOULD be used for

  • An easy self-promotion system for streamers in your server
  • Automatic notifications for your subscribers, moderators, and/or VIPs

What Live Role Notifications SHOULD NOT be used for

  • Stream announcements for one person
    • We highly recommend you set up a streamer notification instead. There's a chance that Streamcord may skip an announcement or announce multiple times with Live Role Notifications.
  • Pinging @everyone, @here, or a role
    • As mentioned above, Streamcord may be inconsistent with notifications, which could lead to frustration from server members that are getting pinged.


Live Role Notifications only announces for members who have their Twitch account connected to Discord. You can connect your Twitch under Discord Settings -> Connections.

Set up Live Role Notifications

Live RoleSet up Live Role Notifications

For Advanced Users

Using variables with Live Role Notifications

Live Role Notifications uses a different set of variables than Twitch Notifications. You can find the list of variables here:

Live RoleUsing Variables

Live Role Notifications vs. Legacy & Spyglass

This table compares features between Live Role Notifications and Twitch Notifications.

Live Role NotificationsTwitch Notifications
Delivery timeNear-instant*1 - 5 minutes
Streamer limitUnlimited**5
Custom messageYesYes
Notification embedYes
Stream end cleanupYes

*Live Role Notifications relies completely on the user having a purple "streaming" status; Streamcord does not directly contact Twitch for information on whether the user is actually live.

**Instead of adding notifications for each individual streamer, Live Role Notifications automatically works for every streamer who is eligible to receive the live role.