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Pro Mode


The following page refers only to Streamcord Pro users who have subscribed with Patreon. This does not apply if you subscribed via the Discord App Store!

Patreon subscriptions are deprecated, and this page is only intended to serve as reference for users who are still using Patreon subscriptions.

What is Pro Mode and what does it do?

Pro mode is a dashboard feature that lets you change which bot is used for a server.

When Pro mode is disabled, the dashboard will use the main bot (Streamcord) for notifications and live role.

However, when Pro mode is enabled, the Pro-Bot (Streamcord Pro) will be used for notifications and live role.


Streamcord Pro is a completely separate bot and requires another invitation. You can invite the pro bot from

If you haven't subscribed to Pro via Patreon, you will not be able to use the Pro bot on your server.

How to enable Pro Mode

  1. Visit your Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to your server.

  3. Click the three dots in the top right.

  4. Click on "Enable Pro Mode (Legacy)".

How to disable Pro Mode

  1. Visit your Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to your server.

  3. Click the three dots in the top right.

  4. Click on "Disable Pro Mode (Legacy)".