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Manager Roles

Available with Streamcord Pro

Manager Roles is a Streamcord Pro feature.

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Manager Roles allows you to enable role-based access control for Streamcord in your server. This feature can be useful if you want to allow certain groups of members that don't have the Manage Server permission, such as moderators, to manage notifications and/or Live Role.

You can assign any of your server's roles as a Manager Role in order to let members with that role perform the following actions:

  • Add, edit, and delete notifications
  • Set up Live Role
  • Disable Pro mode

There is no limit to the amount of Manager Roles that can be set up in a server.

Set up Manager Roles

1. From your server's dashboard page, click on the three dots in the top-right corner, and click the "Set manager roles" option.

2. Select the role that you want to add as a manager then click the "Add role as manager" button.


Manager Roles is now set up on your server!

Removing a Manager Role

1. From your server's dashboard page, click on the three dots in the top-right corner, and click the "Set manager roles" option.

2. Click the 🗑️ next to the role's ID.